Results and Pass Rates

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FRCR Exam Results Pass Rates

FRCR Exam results

The results are published on the RCR website on the dates provided on your admit card. RCR also sends the individual results via email. You must keep a record of your candidate number as the passing list only contains the candidate numbers of successful candidates. The past list shall not mention names of the candidates. The PDF of the exam results are regularly updated on our telegram group.

FRCR Pass Rates

The pass rates for the various modules of the FRCR examination varies with each session and year. Overall the UK candidates had better pass rates than the overseas (non-UK) candidates. We analyzed the pass rates from 2015 to 2019 and have summarized it below:

FRCR Anatomy: The overall pass rate for FRCR anatomy exam ranged from 78% to 81% and showed a gradual rise, with a dip in 2018. The spring and summer sittings showed better pass rates as compared to the autumn sitting. This was partly ascribed to fewer number of UK candidates in the autumn sitting.

FRCR Physics: The physics module showed a lower pass percentage than anatomy (ranging from 52 to 56%). The spring and summer sittings showed better pass rates as compared to the autumn sitting. This was partly ascribed to fewer number of UK candidates in the autumn sitting.

FRCR 2A: The new format of FRCR 2A examination showed a pass percentage of 52% to 56%. No significant difference was found in the pass rates between the summer and the winter session.

FRCR 2B: FRCR 2B pass rates ranged from 60% to 70%. UK candidates again showed a better pass rate than the overseas (non-UK) candidates.